DC Video Recovers and Restores The Two-Inch Quad Videotape of "The Jazz Singer" Starring Jerry Lewis

This is the main title card from the 2” Quad videotape recovery of the 1959 recording: “The Jazz Singer” starring Jerry Lewis.

DC Video was chosen to recover a very early color videotape recording of: “The Jazz Singer” starring Jerry Lewis. Chris Lewis, president of Jerry Lewis films, brought to us a challenging project: The recovery of the sole-surviving videotape of this 1959 production. There were many technical challenges to overcome in this incomplete recording. Using a kinescope of the final air version mostly for audio sourcing, this program was restored and is now available to the public.

A clip of the program can be seen here:


A behind the scenes interview with Chris Lewis can be seen here:


DC Video Transfers Historic John Lennon-Yoko Ono Mike Douglas Appearances from Two-Inch Videotape

DC Video was tasked with the recovery of five very rare Mike Douglas Show programs with guest hosts John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Each program was recorded on two-inch Quad videotape but there were several catches:

1) Each of the five programs was recorded on used and ancient 3M 379 non-back coated videotape stock.

2) These tapes were heavily worn, each having been played many times over the course of 50 years due to the unique content.

3) The normal two-inch Quad record speed of 15 I.P.S. (inches per second) had been discarded in favor of the 7.5 I.P.S. speed (resulting in more record time per tape but with less audio and video quality).

4) These were dubs of the original recording tape, thus further reducing the possible quality.

Using a dedicated Ampex AVR-1 with a specially-built MK XX 5 mil head (for 7.5 I.P.S. playback), each delicate tape was carefully recovered for max. quality. The AVR-1 design has unique demodulation and filtering circuitry along with the “buffer” (TBC) to be able to handle non-standard 7.5 I.P.S. recovery without unwanted artifacts.

Apple Quicktime files were made for delivery to Shout!.

In consideration of the physical and electronic challenges, the recovery of these five shows was well received.

Here is a short video on this Mike Douglas series:


Pictured here is one of the reels of two-inch Quad tape containing this program.

This is an example of a dilapidated container which housed two-inch videotape for shipping.

A closeup inspection of one of the reels in this series exhibits step winds from the non-back coated stock slipping and possibly cinching the pack. This issue was one of the reasons why this older brown tape stock had been replaced by back-coated product but not in this case with these dubbed and archived programs.

DC Video Recovers the Oldest Surviving Color Videotape of an Entertainment Program

The UCLA Film & Television Archive has now posted the recently recovered program: Milton Berle Starring in The Kraft Music Hall (10/8/1958) in color. This is now believed to be the oldest surviving color videotape of an entertainment program. The only older color tape is the WRC dedication.

This program was an NBC Burbank live origination feeding New York and the network. Live color Kraft Food commercials were inserted and hot switched into this feed at NY (and simultaneously hot switched into the Burbank time zone delay tapes-quite a feat!).

The program starts with a minute or so of the previous incoming color program on the network (The Price Is Right). Then black followed by the Berle Program.

The UCLA screening of The Milton Berl Show # 1, October 8, 1958, filled up the Billy Wilder Theatre in Los Angeles for this special screening. It was nice to see the recognition and acceptance of videotape preservation with the attendees (a packed house), among them being Mrs. Lorna Berle! This first Berle program of this series is now considered the oldest surviving color videotape of an entertainment program.

DC Video is proud to have been tapped to recover this Milton Berle Show # 1 from 2" Quad.

Retro Video contributed to the balance of the program with material from other 1958 Milton Berl segments and one complete show.

In the attached photo, left to right:

Professor Shawn VanCour, UCLA School of Education & Information Studies

Mark Quigley, John H. Mitchell Television Curator (arranged Berle acquisition and theatre presentation producer)

David Crosthwait, DC Video

Bill Dicicco, Retro Video


DC Video Transfers Rare CCR Royal Albert Hall Perfomance

Using unearthed 625/PAL 2” Quad source tapes sent over from the U.K., DC Video has contributed to archival recovery from multiple source reels for the theatrical release of:

Travelin’ Band: Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Royal Albert Hall

The Trailer can be seen here:


The third-generation Ampex AVR-1 2” Quad videotape machine was used for this project.

We would like to thank Mr. Taylor Umphenour for sending us this historic project.

One of the videotape labels from over 50 years ago.


DC Video recently completed the transfer of a very special two-inch Quad videotape featuring Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, recorded on 9-23-1967 and airing on 12-21-1967. The project consisted of recovering as best as possible the original two-inch Quad high-band first generation color videotape and converting it to 1080i HD. This vintage program contained physical splices which held up perfectly throughout the entire one-hour program. The third-generation Ampex AVR-1 was utilized for the 525 line NTSC playback and the Teranex provided the conversion to HD. The result was a program reproduction consisting of remarkable fidelity and color rendition. It can also be noted that this two-inch Quad videotape was recorded at the NBC Burbank studios. Jerry Smith, a master on the TK 41 video controls made the cameras look great and veteran editor Steve Orland performed the physical splices. 

It’s a very entertaining one-hour special, which aired during the holiday season in 1967 across the NBC television network. 

This version of the program, a PBS Fundraising special, will be airing on PBS member stations this fall, its first release since its original airing. Here is a link to more information on the program:


We’d like to thank Michael Garrison, Dennis Allen and David Leaf for giving us the opportunity to restore this very special program. 

Zappa Documentary Uses DC Video for Media Restoration

Zappa Movie poster.jpg

The recently released “Zappa” documentary by director Alex Winters used the services of DC Video to transfer multiple videotape formats from the legendary Zappa vault. The media consisted of 2 inch Quad, 1 inch Type C and Betacam SP videotapes. Over 90 tapes were digitized to hard drives in 10 bit Uncompressed Quicktime .mov files.

We wish to thank Zappa archivist and musician extraordinaire Joe Travers for selecting DC Video for this project.

Two-Inch Quad Receives a "Heroes" Welcome on the Big Screen!

In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of this special network program, “Heroes of Rock’n Roll” was screened in front of industry veterans and fans in a packed theatre on Friday October 25, 2019 in Beverly Hills, California. Hosted by the original writer/director team consisting of Malcolm Leo and Andrew Solt, the creation of “Heroes of Rock’n Roll” was inspired by the theatrical production of “That’s Entertainment”.

“Heroes” only aired in 1979 and has been shelved ever since. This complimentary Fine Arts Theatre screening event was the final showing anywhere of this very special two-hour presentation.

To make this theatrical event possible, the original high-band two-inch Quad videotapes, determined to be the best archival elements, were pulled from the vault. Using DC Video specialized workflows and equipment, these Quadruplex tapes were transferred on the third-generation Ampex AVR-1 through an analog to digital conversion process and up-converted to 1080i files. From this step, a DCP was created for the big-screen digital presentation at the Beverly Hills Fine Arts Theatre. 

Image and sound quality during this screening event exceeded everyone’s expectation. It made for a very enjoyable (and fun) evening of an archival videotape presentation!

Here is a review of the program from 40 years ago!

Rampant Romp Through Rock 'n' Roll'Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll': A Generation of Music in Two Hours A Generation of Music in 62 Acts, 100 Songs


The Fine Arts Theatre marquee.

The Fine Arts Theatre marquee.

The production logo from the program (frame grab from 2” Quad).

The production logo from the program (frame grab from 2” Quad).

The crowd outside the theatre.

The crowd outside the theatre.

The original production artwork from 1979.

The original production artwork from 1979.

The banner in the display case outside the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, California.

The banner in the display case outside the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, California.

Apollo 11 Moon Landing Videotapes Remastered at DC Video

apollo 11-three-reels-videotape.jpg

DC Video had the privilege of remastering the Apollo 11 videotapes that were saved over the years by Gary George at the urging of his father. They recently sold at Sotheby’s Auction for $1.8 million.

Below is an interview with Gary George on Fox News:

Gary George visits DC Video in 2008

Gary George visits DC Video in 2008

DC Video Restores Rare 1964 Color Tonight Show

DC Video Restores Rare 1964 Color Tonight Show

“Here’s Johnny” on color videotape from 1964!